266: Dr. Stacy Sims on Why Women Are Not Small Men

The boys are extremely excited to bring you this episode with Stacy Sims. They have been mentioning it for the past 4 weeks on the show and can't stop raving about this information.

On todays show you will get a unique and rarely spoken about insight into strength training and nutrition for women. This podcast addresses all the myths and short comings of current research and why women NEED to change the way they approach their health.

An incredible show we hope you enjoy.

Stacy's TED talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5LYGzKUPlE

Stacy's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drstacysims/?hl=en

Our episode sponsors - https://themindmuscleproject.com/partners

Show notes

- All the early studies for sport science are done on men, and one of the excuses for not doing them on women is menstrual cycles (8:15)

- According their own cycles, there are low hormones teams and high hormones teams, each one with their own ideal exercises (12:55)

- I'd really like to re-frame the whole idea of over-training, and say it's low energy, cause low energy states happens in men as well, and nobody talks about it (18:26)

- Most women won't say they are on their period when they're training, because that would mean they are training hard enough (45:40)

- The period has arrived, is everything lost? are pills always the solution (35:02)

- Today, nutrition and genetics get together to find out the right supplements (56:55)"