257: Brian St. Pierre on GMOs, Carb Restriction & Food Psychology

This week the boys speak with bring Brian St. Pierre one of the founding coaches at the world famous Precision Nutrition.

Brian dives deep into some more fringe topics of nutrition including Genetically Modified Organisms, Fasting and the psychology of eating.

This episode is a deep dive into nutrition, enjoy.

Precision Nutrition Bio: https://www.precisionnutrition.com/coach-profile-brian-st-pierre

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/precisionnutrition/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insidePN/

Show notes:

- Coaching athletes is very similar to coaching regular people (21:50)

- Cross-fit gets people exited about exercising (29:30)

- On-line coaching vs. personal coaching (36:15)

- Whatever approach you are doing, as long as you're doing consistently gets positive results (39:53)

- In nutrition terms, extremes are never good. (44:43)

- Food is part of what we are from the beginning of times (50:58)

- My kids are and important part of my day to day (01:04:06)

- Quality sleep time is they key (01:05:21)

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